Green light for town’s 2022 Pageant
The Pageant will go ahead next year as planned. That was the decision made by the Axbridge Pageant Committee on January 18th, when a Zoom meeting was held to discuss the situation in light of the on-going Covid-19 crisis.
There is one important caveat, of course, that the event will only proceed as long as the vaccination programme, being rolled out over the Spring and Summer, is a complete success.
The Artistic Director of the Pageant John Bailey said: “We are cautiously optimistic that the 2022 Pageant will be able to take place as long as life looks to be returning to normal, more or less, by August of this year. If it does then we can begin to plan meaningfully ahead, ramping up preparations for ticket sales, casting, costuming, construction, promotion and fundraising.”
Ticket sales are crucial for the event’s success as without the income generated in advance there can be no pageant. Traditionally tickets are on sale before Christmas – hence the need to have confirmation of the Pageant taking place by the autumn.
John Bailey said: “The Committee will meet again at Easter time of this year to further review the situation and allow us to give a further up-date on the state of play. We sincerely hope that it can be a positive one.”
The pageant is a two hour long history play based on the town’s past starting in Romano-Britain and ending in the 21st century with scenes that include a Saxon v Dane battle, the Lady Day Fair, the Monmouth Rebellion and the coming of the train and motor cars. It features a cast of hundreds with many roles behind the scenes including photographers, dressers, make-up artists, designers and marshals.
The pageant is set to take place at 3pm daily over the Bank Holiday weekend of Saturday-Monday from August 27-29, 2022.
For more news, features and photos on the pageant visit http://www.harrymottram.co.uk/axbridge/axbridge-pageant-2020/ and http://axbridgepageant.com/index.html
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