Wednesday, June 10, 2020
The Headlines

Monday, June 1
BCC welcomes part-time furlough
and self-employed extension
Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said the Government had listened to business and made the furlough scheme more flexible but said closing the scheme to new applicants in June was ‘premature’.

Upcoming Chamber Events
June 2020

Scaling-up your business with Level Up (South West) Ltd
Growth during the pandemic is still possible and this half-day workshop with Graeme Crosbie will help SMEs learn how to scale-up their operations with a wealth of expert knowledge on restructuring and growth.
July 2020

Effective communication for remote working
Join the Bid Coach to learn the skills needed to get the most out of the virtual world when it comes to presenting, hosting or simply taking part in online events.
July 2020

Enhance your emotional intelligence
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many problems for businesses but there are still opportunities. This comprehensive two-hour workshop with Green Door People will help you truly connect and become even more effective in the workplace.
July 2020

Let’s network!
This free hour-long virtual networking event will help you keep in touch with existing contacts and forge new ones. Run by Somerset Chamber specifically for members – bring your own food and virtual business cards!

Chamber News

BCC welcomes phased reopening of retail
The British Chambers of Commerce said businesses would take a safe, proportionate and risk-based approach.

Kontrolit records new member focus video
Somerset Chamber members have been raising their profiles with new member focus videos about their companies.

Member News

Family firm commits to employer pledge
Bridges Electrical Engineers has signed up to the Time to Change Employer Pledge as part of its staff wellbeing programme.

Lockdown business chat show success
Word Gets Around has launched a ‘Meet the Business’ series of videos and a live chat show on YouTube in response to lockdown.

Virtual £1,300 cheque presentation to charity
Sycamore Process Engineering took part in the Two Point Six Challenge in aid of the Dorset and Somerset air ambulance.

Multiple promotions
across the team
Accountancy firm promotes 10 members of staff for their outstanding enthusiasm and commitment to the profession.