The latest news from Companies House shows several firms have had their credit ratings moved to high risk and a credit limit of zero as the present Covid-19 crisis continues.
Bowbridge Homes (Site E) Limited, Motive Agency Limited, Martins Waste Clearance, Rope Access Man Power UK Limited have all suffered the indignity of a zero rating while the privately owner Park School in Somerset currently in administration is also placed in the high risk category. Opened in 1851 the school moved out of the centre of Yeovil in 2018 in a bid to attract more pupils at a larger site but has struggled ever since. The Covid-19 outbreak has meant a drop in parents signing up their children for the new term plunging the enterprise into administration with Grant Thornton charged with finding a buyer.
Chocolate problem
Meanwhile on the High Street John Lewis has announced they may not reopen all their stores after lock down and Next has seen a 52% fall in sales in the year up to April 25. Another casualty – this time of the lucrative Easter egg market – is Hotel Chocolat who were forced to close their stores for the industry’s second biggest season of the year. However they did get a sales spike just before the closure and are concentrating on online sales but have had to alter their bank lending facility as a result reported Elena Cherubini in The Grocer.

The taxman cometh
ICSM Credit understands from its sources that HMRC are pursuing several big name firms for forcing furloughed staff to work in direct contravention of the rules – which if proved could lead to massive fines. The Guardian reported this week that Sports Direct and House of Fraser have allegedly breached the rules by sending managers into work and asking them not to clock on. Don’t forget the taxman doesn’t stop working during the lock down.

Logistic issue
Despite the boom in logistics there has been another casualty in the industry with Carters Haulage in Hertfordshire entering administration. Chris Tindall writing in Motor Transport said the firm had expanded from one lorry to 40 in just three years to service a blue chip client and then lost the business months later. He reported: “In a report to creditors, administrators at SFP also said it was now investigating ‘certain transactions’ prior to their appointment and that it may be advisable for the business to remain in administration for the time being.”
ICSM Credit
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For details for the work of the journalist Harry Mottram visit www.harrymottram.co.uk