There’s been such a warm reaction to the idea of street food set up in a designated area for the Axbridge Pageant I will put it on the agenda of the next meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and we can see how we can make it happen. Anyone interested in such an event can email me at harryfmottram@gmail.com

Next meeting for the Axbridge Chamber of Commerce
The next meeting of the Axbridge Chamber of Commerce is on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, at 7.30pm at the Oak House Hotel, Axbridge.
Address: The Square, Axbridge BS26 2AP. Phone: 01934 732444
For more details visit
To join the Axbridge Chamber of Commerce email the chairman
Louise Cooling at info@ripleyantiques.co.uk or contact Ripley Antiques on Axbridge Square. New members welcome – it only costs £10 a year. If you are not a member but would like to come to the meeting as an observer contact the secretary Harry Mottram on email harryfmottram@gmail.com
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