The landlady of the Crown Inn Linda Bishop has put in planning permission to convert the pub in Axbridge’s St Mary Street to a residential property.
The proposed closure of the public house will take place this spring. If Sedgemoor planners agree to the application which can be viewed on their website would mean the town will have just one pub. The Lion closed back in 1997 while the Angel and the George shut some decades ago – both located on The Square.
The Crown Inn has enjoyed a new lease of life after Linda Bishop took it on with live music events, food and a refurbishment making it an attractive venue. However as with a national trend fewer people spend their time in pubs on a regular basis meaning a decline in trade within the industry.
Although it would leave the town with only one pub the Oak House Hotel features a bar as part of its facilities and the Roxy Cinema opens a bar on film nights. And for those prepared for a walk the New Inn at Cross is only a quarter of a mile from Townsend. Cheddar’s nearest pub is the King’s Head or the Bath Arms depending on which route you take.
The application is displayed on the pub’s exterior with details of how to inspect the application on the Sedgemoor planning portal. The Crown Inn lies within the town’s conservation area.
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