By Harry Mottram: The Axbridge Open Gardens event over the weekend of 1-2 June, 2024, was blessed with sunshine and a feeling summer had at last arrived. I tried to get round most of the gardens but on each day I ran out of time as so much of the time was chatting to old friends and talking about anything from slugs to sunflowers.

There were so many highlights from the Community Allotments with the neat vegetable patches and huge Eucalyptus tree, number 49 West Street with its expansive lawn and shrubs and of course The Guildhall’s garden with it descending ‘rooms’ with each garden a delight as you go down the slope. Number 7 Walnut Close was an example of how much can be fitted into limited space – while 6 Moorland Street was a near perfect sunlit back garden with a horticultural variety of textures and colours – and of course my next door neighbour’s garden in Old Church Road was immaculate – it prompted us to trim our side of the hedge today!

What can you say – so many gardens – many I couldn’t make but I did show my daughter in law the Eco Garden by the church – if you are in the Square it is a perfect spot to take a photo. Apologies to the ones I missed out and failed to get to but a hugely successful event in aid of the Friends of Axbridge Church who paid for those glass doors as you enter the church and the maintenance of some of the monuments inside. I will definitely do it next time and may even plant another daisy in the lawn – as Linda is in charge in our garden.

For more on the FOAC see
This film is from five years ago but is partly about the FOAC:

Axbridge News is edited by Harry Mottram and is published for the interest of himself and fellow residents.
Harry is a freelance journalist. Follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc
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