The Axbridge Pageant programme will be out in late May or Early June – a full colour history of the pageant and a guide to all the scenes and a must buy for everyone in the town. if you wish to advertise in the programme email harryfmottram@gmail.com – it will have a life of several months plus will be kept as a souvenir for years – a super investment for all local firms.I have introduced an eighth of a page ad for £40 – with quarter at £75, half page at £125 and full page ads at £250 available. The back page has been sold. Apologies to those who have already booked an advert – and thank you for being such good supporters of the mass community event. At this stage if you can indicate what size ad you would like – details of invoicing and formal booking will follow in April.The benefits are many:The programme is in use from May to September with at least 1,000 printed.It is kept as a souvenir for years – unlike a monthly glossy it has a very long life.It is editorial led and in full colour at 36 or more pages of art paper.Sponsors and advertisers have their logo and details on the website – for the next eight years.Social media will also carry their details and logos: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with a reach of tens of thousands in Somerset and across the world due to its uniqueness.Social media will carry info every week and most days from now until the pageant.The pageant has continued for 55 years and carries 2000 years of history in 3 hours on three days over the August Bank Holiday.People come from all around the world to see the pageant due to its popularity.The Pageant is held every 10 years (delayed for two years due to Covid) and has a cast of 300 plus 100 working behind the scenes.It is a community event supported by residents who give their time free and is always covered by nations, regional and local media including TV.
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