Call to complete a consultation in Bristol before Friday, January 28th, 2022
South Bristol Voice reader Alex Lingham who cycles in the city has asked residents in Bristol to complete a Consultation on the Number Two Bus serving Knowle and Wells Road.
He writes: There is currently a consultation on the no.2 bus route (https://number2busroute.virtual-engage.com/), specifically about the travel corridor (Wells Road…) and this represents our chance to ask for proper cycling infrastructure. However, the council are being very tentative and the plan is not fit for purpose. South Bristol is pretty badly served by safe cycling routes. In Knowle, where I live, I don’t think there currently are any safe routes (protected from traffic)!
This is going to be the only chance to make meaningful changes for a generation, so it’s important that people are aware of the key points:
• Cycling on the Wells Road through Knowle and Totterdown isn’t very safe. On average once cyclist a year is seriously injured or killed (Wells road, Broadwalk to Bath Bridge). Another 3-4 have less serious incidents with pedestrians suffering the same fate.
• You might expect cyclists to argue in favour of the proposal but they are largely disappointed with what’s on offer for South Bristol – see this article from Bristol Cycling (https://tinyurl.com/44pw5ttd)
• In the early engagement survey undertaken by the council about the number 2 bus route changes, 87% of people agreed that the so-called ‘transport corridor’ should be a place to walk and cycle, however the current proposal does not provide for this.
• The proposal is patchy. Particular flaws include:o There is no proposed change at all between Bath Bridge and Three Lamps, an area that could very easily be improvedo An indirect and confusing cycle route off the travel corridor through to Redcatch Park (where it seems to end)o A rejig of the Airport Road junction which doesn’t appear to change much (no new cycling facilities, and pedestrian routes which could still include six separate crossings!).
• If the solution they build is confusing and indirect, existing cyclists will stay on the main road and it won’t encourage would-be cyclists to get going. This would be a waste of money and a wasted opportunity.
Please take a little time before Jan 28th to respond to the consultation and tell the council to do what we already asked for – create continuous, high-quality cycling and walking routes on the travel corridor which are safe for everyone, from children to experienced cyclists.South Bristol Voice is committed to reflecting the concerns of those south of the river and so completing the consultation will hopefully help make Bristol better.
South Bristol Monthly News Magazine is free. Thousands of copies are delivered door to door in Bedminster, Knowle, Southville, Totterdown and Ashton every month – and to shops, libraries and super markets in Bristol. More at https://issuu.com/southbristolvoice and https://www.facebook.com/southbristolvoice/ and https://www.southbristolvoice.co.uk/…Harry Mottram is the news editor of South Bristol Voice monthly magazine and a freelance journalist. Visit http://www.harrymottram.co.uk/https://www.facebook.com/harry.speed.9275/
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