The Chamber of Commerce in Axbridge have moved to support the establishment of the town’s proposed heritage trails following a donation to help get the project up and running.

Brief reminder of the scheme:
- A website,
- A Heritage Trail for all, encouraging local people and visitors to walk around out historic Town and finding out through QR codes in windows and Blue plaques on buildings the history of the houses and residents.
- A Childrens’ Trail Quiz, together with a leaflet which leads up and down West St, High St, the Square and ending on the Furlong for children to follow and answer questions with the answers on the website.
- The Childrens’ Trail is now up and running with the Heritage trail, QR codes and blue plaques to follow later in the year.

The letter sent to Barbara Wells, the Chair of Axbridge Heritage Trails:
Dear Barbara Wells
On behalf of the Axbridge Chamber of Commerce and as secretary of the Chamber I wish to convey our support for the Heritage Trails Project. The trails will help to attract visitors to the town at a time when businesses are closing and services are curtailed – in part due to the economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis.Axbridge has increasingly been seen as a destination for cyclists and walkers on the Strawberry Line Cycle Path and walkway as well as a place to visit due to its unique history. The trails will encourage people to stay a little longer as well as being of interest to residents.
Next year is the Axbridge Pageant when thousands of visitors will pour into the town to see the huge community play and associated events. To have the heritage trails up and in operation by August 2022 would be a bonus and will offer those visitors something practical to do having experienced the two hour long history of Axbridge dramatised by a cast of 300 in the Square.
We are happy to publicise the campaign to establish the trails to members and local firms in general through our social media and website as it is a project we endorse and have contributed to with a donation.
Kindest regards
Harry MottramSecretary to the Axbridge Chamber of Commerce
To join the Chamber costs only £10 a year – for more information visit
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