The academic behind the project Redress of the Past Paul Readman of King’s College London, attended the event to record the costume makers for a project to chart pageants. He said: “The Redress of the Past is a collaborative research project drawing on the expertise of scholars from the University of Edinburgh, the University of Glasgow, UCL Institute of Education, and King’s College London.

“It has been running since November 2013. Since then, members of the project team have travelled the country collecting the information on pageants that is recorded in our database http://www.historicalpageants.ac.uk/pageants/“
Barbara Wells who leads a team of 25 volunteers to make the costumes welcomed the academic and film crew to Axbridge. There is a planned event in January in Axbridge to highlight the world of pageants with talks, videos, an exhibition and drama to celebrate the Pageant in 2022.

The pageant’s artistic director John Bailey said: “We are confident the pageant will go ahead after two years of delays and there will be more information soon on how to take part.”
The pageant is a two hour long history play based on the town’s past starting in Romano-Britain and ending in the 21st century with scenes that include a Saxon v Dane battle, the Lady Day Fair, the Monmouth Rebellion and the coming of the train and motor cars. It features a cast of hundreds with many roles behind the scenes including photographers, dressers, make-up artists, designers and marshals.
The pageant is set to take place at 3pm daily over the Bank Holiday weekend of Saturday-Monday from August 27-29, 2022.
For more news, features and photos on the pageant visit http://www.harrymottram.co.uk/axbridge/axbridge-pageant-2020/ and http://axbridgepageant.com/index.html
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