Print Week charts how printers are coping in the crisis
The trade publication Print Week has had a look at how the ink and paper sector of British industry is coping with the growing coronavirus emergency.
Richard Stuart-Turner writing for the publication said the majority of UK printers appear to have remained open for business, albeit often with adapted operations and having to cope with a swathe of cancelled jobs.
The manufacturing sector of UK plc has of course got historic form. There was the Plague of London 1592-93, Great Plague of London in 1665, then there was the cholera in 1829, 1848-49, typhus in 1850 and in the 20th century the Spanish Flu (which originated in the mid-West of the USA) which caused deaths from 1917-1922 in the country. Despite the thousands who perished in these epidemics the print industry has kept calm and carried on.

In the Print Week article Richard Stuart-Turner reported: “In a post on Wolverhampton-based CS Labels’ website, meanwhile, managing director Simon Smith said: ‘The business remains unaffected and continues to implement contingencies in response to the epidemic where appropriate.’
“He said policies relating to staff sickness have been reviewed and amended in line with Public Health guidelines, increased hygiene measures have been implemented, and stockholding has been increased to limit any impact on supply to its customers. Business contingency plans have also been created in the event of supply chain failure.”
He also reported on Compass Business Finance who said that, as an accredited lender under the British Business Bank’s Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) programme, it will deliver the British Business Bank’s Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), which was announced by the chancellor during the Budget last week and will temporarily replace the EFG. It will offer asset finance via CBILS to smaller businesses, predominantly in the manufacturing sector.
To read the full article visit https://www.printweek.com/news/article/coronavirus-impact-intensifies-across-print
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For details for the work of the journalist Harry Mottram visit www.harrymottram.co.uk