In the Cheddar Valley Gazette the lead story is about the proposed development of 53 houses on a greenfield site in Axbridge. A public meeting is to be held on Monday, January 13, at 6.30pm, in the town hall to discuss the application which has been opposed by the town council and many residents.
Controversy over housing plan
On Tuesday, January 14, district councillors in Sedgemoor will look at the application which is being recommended by planners. Town councillor Barbara Wells will speak against the plans which would see homes built on the field to the south of Houlgate Way between Axbridge Surgery and Townsend Farm.
The clerk to the town council issued this statement ahead of the public meeting: “Application for the approval of the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 20 No. dwellings at Mendip View, Cheddar Road, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2DL Planning application number: 02/19/00021/DT.
“At this meeting, the developer has been invited to make a presentation and members of the public will have the opportunity to give their opinion on the application. This is residents’ main opportunity to make their views known to the Town Council. Written comments from residents are encouraged and will be accepted prior to the public meeting.
“Following the public meeting, a Town Council meeting will be held at 8.00pm on the same evening, when the Town Council will make a recommendation to Sedgemoor District Council (there will be no further opportunity for public participation at this meeting).
” Further details of the application can be found on Sedgemoor District Council’s website www.sedgemoor.gov.uk/planning_online (planning application no. 02/19/00021/DT) with comments welcome by 23rd January 2020.”
Strawberry Line News
Meanwhile the Cheddar Valley Gazette also carries on its front page a photograph of the Strawberry Line cycle path between Axbridge to Cheddar. It’s the news that the charity and campaign group behind improving the pathway have completed a project of fundraising and work to improve the section in Cheddar between Fiveways Bridge and the industrial trading estate.
Goals, goals, goals
Winscombe FC reports the Cheddar Valley Gazette enjoyed a 3-0 win over Timsbury Athletic in Division One of the County League. Dean Morris was named man of the match in what the the paper describes as an exceptional game which places the team in a promotion chasing position.
Food bank break-in
The Weston Mercury reports on the break-in at Cheddar’s foodbank on December 9. Jenny Fox says the paper put out an appeal on FaceBook following the crime and was ‘overwhelmed’ by the response. She said 60 Christmas hampers came in along with bags of food donated by the public. Police are still appealing for help to solve the burglary. The foodbank is supported by the Trussell Trust and provides three day packs of food for families and individuals in crisis.
Boy racers
An ongoing problem for Cheddar Gorge are the activities of hundreds of anti-social motorists or ‘boy racers’ who use the gorge as their personal race track putting the lives of others in danger. The Weston Mercury reports on a new scheme launched by Cheddar Parish Council and the police to reduce the speed limit in the Gorge to 30mph. A leaflet is being distributed to villagers to draw attention to the ways residents can alert the police to the activity of anti-social drivers.
Both newspapers are published on a Thursday and area available in your local shop.
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